
All cash registers of your company are displayed here. Each cash register shows the current cash balance. You can add a new cash register via the "Add Cashbox" button.

The list of all financial transactions for the current day is displayed below. Any payment of an order, refund to a customer, payment of goods to a supplier or payroll payment is displayed in this list. These financial transactions are called transactions.

Under each cash register there are buttons: Give cash, Income cash, Encashment and Reports.

Give cash

To issue in the window you need to specify the amount, currency. Select the accounting item for which we issue money. If the required item is not in the list, click on "+" and add a new item in the window that appears. Next, choose a counterparty. Important point, if you choose, for example, the article payment of money to the supplier, then in the field select the counterparty exclusively from the suppliers.

Below is a checkbox "Without entering the balance sheet". It should be unchecked if we want this amount to be recorded as a debt to the counterparty. For example, we give money to a supplier in advance for goods that he promises to deliver to us in a week. Accordingly, giving the supplier 10 thousand he will have a debt for this amount and will be repaid only when the supplier ships us the goods for the amount of 10 thousand. If we issue a salary to an employee, we do not need to uncheck this box, because after the salary is issued, the employee will not owe us this amount of money.

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