
The main page contains the main business indicators of the system, which consist of conversion indicators: site visitors to calls, calls to orders and site visitors to orders. On the right side are the graphs, which consist of four curves. The dark blue line is site visitors. Information about site visitors is pulled from Google Analytics. The next curve is calls. Information about the number of incoming calls is pulled from IP telephony or calls can be created manually in the system. The third line is requests. Requests are created by company employees based on incoming calls. The last line is orders. Orders for repair of equipment or sales are created by receivers or managers of the service center. When you put the cursor over any point of the graph, we are shown the number of visitors, calls, requests and orders for the selected day, as well as conversions between these indicators.

On the top right there are filters. The first one, in which we can select the period for which we want to generate a graph. The second filter is the step, the unit of division for the chart. Day, week or month. The third filter is the filter by order type. Here we can filter only repair orders, only warranty orders, non-warranty orders, sales or display only those orders where customers came to us from the Internet.

Below are indicators such as:

  • Average bill. Calculated as revenue from all paid orders for the selected period divided by the number of paid orders.
  • Workshop statistic. Here we can see how many orders for the selected period were issued with payment, how many were issued without repair, the customer refused to repair and was transferred to the donor.
  • Techs statistics. Here we can see how many repairs each engineer performed during the selected period in absolute value and in percentage.
  • Company Profit. This shows the revenue for the current day and total for the selected period.
  • The overall rating of the company and the rating of each employee individually. This rating is formed on the basis of reviews that customers leave on your website via the employee reviews widget.

Below are two graphs. The first chart is Comparative analysis of orders by branches. Here we can see how many orders were accepted at each branch. The next chart is Comparative analysis by categories / models / parts. Here we can select any product or spare part and see how the sales of that product change. We can also select an entire product category, for example iPhone, and see how sales change for the entire product group.

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