Module "Orders to Supplier" is used to keep records of all orders to suppliers.

Orders are divided by statuses, which are displayed in the "Status" column.

  • Purchase request - request created but not processed (order does not specify delivery date, price and supplier).
  • Item ordered - обработанный запрос на закупку (в заказе указана дата поставки, цена и поставщик).
  • Deadlines broken - overdue orders. Delivery date was overdue.
  • Approved - accepted order, but not entered into the warehouse. Such orders must be entered in the Warehouse/Invoicing menu.
  • Debit - orders to suppliers accepted and entered into inventory.
  • Canceled - canceled orders. It is not possible to inventory or accept an order after it has been.
  • Unavailable - canceled orders. Unable to receive or accept an order after it has been canceled. It differs from the "Canceled" status by the fact that orders can be canceled after acceptance into the warehouse. This status can be set only by an employee with Founder rights.
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