
This menu is divided into three tabs:

  • Requests for shipment
  • Returns outwards
  • Writing-off


Requests for shipment

All customer orders in which parts are added but no serial numbers are linked are displayed. That is, a purchase request has been sent to the supplier. Here we see information about the customer's order number, the product and its location. By selecting the serial number column, we can link the item directly from this menu. We can also scan the serial number with a scanner, which will allow us not to search for the right number in the general list.

We can also see all orders that are waiting for serial number unbinding. This is where they go when you click on the minus next to the serial number in the order card. It is very convenient for the storekeeper to view all such orders and unbind parts without entering the order.


Returns outwards

Here we see the entire list of items with serial numbers that have been returned to the supplier. They are displayed by date of addition, new ones first. They can also be filtered using the "Filter" button.

The system has a very convenient mass return module. By clicking on the "Return goods" button, we can specify several serial numbers manually. For example, by scanning their barcode. And we can also write off using import. To do this, we download a sample file, fill it with serial numbers and upload it to the system. Next, click the "Return" button. After you perform the return, the system will give a report on each serial number and the result of the return in a box.



Here we see a list of all written off items. There is also a module for mass write-off, when you click on the "Cancel item" button. It works on the same principle as returns.

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