
First of all, you need to put the categories in order and then make sure that the correct category structure is maintained. The top-level categories should correspond to device types, for example Phone Repair, Tablet Repair, Laptop Repair, and so on. The second level categories should correspond to device brands. For example, Apple Phone Repair, HTC Phone Repair, and so on. The third level categories, the lowest categories, should correspond to device models. For example, iPhone 6, iPhone 7 and so on.

Why it is very important. The point is that the widget that customers use to make repair appointments uses exactly this division into categories and subcategories. First, the customer selects the type of equipment, then the brand, then the model. Accordingly, if you have in the first level category will be a section of spare parts or phone model, it leads to user confusion. The second reason is that you in the widget settings will need to bind services to the categories of the highest level. That is, the category Repair phones need to bind corresponding to this type of work technique. For example, replacement of the display, replacement of the case, and so on. This is necessary for the correct operation of the widget. The client who selects Phone Repair in the widget should display the corresponding works. Also linking relevant services to the types of equipment will facilitate the work of engineers. Since they will have to choose in their personal cabinet what works on what device they perform. Accordingly, having selected the necessary device to the engineer, only relevant services will be displayed, and not the whole huge list.

Adding new devices

As soon as new devices appear in the range of serviced equipment, the administrator must inform the engineers about the appearance of such devices in the general chat. Each engineer must specify what work he performs on this device. If the engineer does not service this model of equipment, he indicates "I do not service" in the drop-down list. It is the responsibility of the administrator to make sure that all engineers have processed the new devices.

Schedule of client appointments by appointment

In the widget settings we need to specify the time buffer between the time when the customer wants to make an appointment for repair and the time for which logistics will have time to buy and deliver the part to the master at the branch. The most convenient range is if a customer places an order in the morning before 11:00, then they will be shown the available appointment time today from 17:00. If the customer places an order after 11:00, he is shown the available appointment time from tomorrow from 17:00.

We may also have remote offices that are located on the outskirts of a city or in another city. For such branches we can prescribe an individual time buffer. For example, increase this range.

Linking branches to cities

In the widget settings we must link each branch to a certain locality. Since the client using the widget must first select his city, after which he will be offered a list of branches where the necessary repairs can be performed.

Holidays and vacations

The administrator shall keep track of weekends and holidays. At least one week in advance, the administrator reminds engineers to mark their holidays on the calendar. Failure to do so may result in customers booking a repair appointment with an engineer on a non-working day.

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