Integrations > FreePBX

Integration with FreePBX


This widget allows you to integrate a physical PBX system with the Gincore cloud application.



To connect FreePBX, follow these steps:

In the FreePBX dashboard, go to the Admin section -> CalledID Lookup Source. Click on the Add CIDLookup Source button to open the window for adding a new source. Provide the following details:

  • In the Source Description field, enter a brief description of the new source.
  • In the Source type field, select the source type; choose HTTP.
  • Host -
  • Port - 443
  • Path - /api/provider/freepbx
  • Query - t=[NUMBER]&did=[FROM_DID]&code=password_from_the_Api_key_for_incoming_request_field

The Api_key_for_incoming_request password must be created by you and specified in the menu More -> Settings -> Telephony Integration, in the FreePBX Settings card, under the Connection section.

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