
Filters with which we can sort calls.

  • Filter for period - we can filter calls for a specific day or period.
  • Type - incoming or outgoing.
  • Call status - processed and unprocessed calls.

The general call list consists of the following information:

  • Call ID.
  • Call Type. Green tubes indicate incoming calls and orange tubes indicate outgoing calls.
  • Phone Number.
  • Number of leads created for this client.
  • Tags.
  • Client. If the client's full name is not in the database, it is displayed as an ID, i.e. a sequential number from the client list.
  • The operator who handled the call.
  • Status, Marketing channel, and a recording of the call itself.

You can create an outgoing call manually by clicking on the "Add Call" button from this menu. Or by clicking on the green handset on the right from any section of the program.

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