Integrations > Facebook

Integration with Facebook


Gincore.Sales is a complete sales tool created for small and medium-sized businesses. With the help of which it is possible to sell via chatbots.



Creating a Chatbot for Facebook

A Facebook chatbot must be linked to a page, so we need to create a public page. (

Next, create an application at (

  • Application Type – Company.
  • Application Name – Enter any name.

Within the created application, add the Messenger product from the list (click the Set Up button). In the Messenger product settings, scroll to the Generate Access Tokens section. Click the Bind button and select the public page. Next to our added page, click Generate Token and copy it.


Setting Up Sales Spaces

Go to the Sales menu -> Sales Spaces. This menu displays all spaces where goods or services will be sold. To create a new space, click the Create Sales Space button. Enter a name and click the Create button.

Next, go to the Integrations section. Here you will see a list of connected integrations. Clicking on a created integration will open its settings. To create a new integration, click the Add Integration button. Specify a name, choose the integration type - chatbot, and connect the category catalog. We create the catalogs on the adjacent tab. This list contains categories for the products you want to sell in this integration.

After creation, the system opens a page with settings. Go to the Chatbots section.


Connecting the Chatbot

This section allows you to connect the created chatbots. To connect, click the Add button.

  • Active - Allows activation/deactivation of the chatbot.
  • Bot Token - Enter the copied chatbot token.
  • Messenger - Facebook.

Multiple chatbots can be connected to one integration.

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