Menu Categories

Here you add the names of the devices that are accepted for repair. Each category corresponds to a device name. For example: iPhone 7, Macbook.

Tip #1.. It is best to create categories as a kind of tree. That is, arrange folders (categories) in a hierarchy. The parent category is Goods and Services. Then we add subcategories, Laptops, Tablets, Cell Phones, Washing Machines and so on. The next folder will be the brands of these devices (Apple Laptops, Samsung Washing Machines, Asus Tablets). The last subcategory will be the model of the device - iPhone 7, Macbook Air A1466 128GB, Samsung Washing Machine WF60F1.

Tip #2.. When adding product nomenclature, specify the correct product categories. Parts for iPhones should be placed in the category Apple phones and so on. In the repair order card, there is an icon in the form of a shopping cart, clicking on which you can see the balance of goods that are in this category. Also, this is how the Warehouse Balances widget works. And also, it is necessary to create reports by categories, models and parts on the main page.

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