Statistics, Analytics

We have implemented a system that allows you to collect and process data from online and offline advertising channels, as well as upload information on the number of sales and profits. The system summarizes all data into a single table and builds graphs that show the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns like the palm of your hand.

You install a special script on your site that generates codes and displays them to your site visitors. Call it "Discount Code". A customer contacting a service center names a code to get a discount. A company employee spells out the code on the order. Thus, the system links the physical order of the client with his online session, the history of visits to your site, as well as the advertising source from which the client came to your site. All this information is accumulated and stored in the system and is available for the formation of convenient reports.

To generate a report, go to the More -> Statistics menu and select the period for which we want to generate a report. By default, a step of seven days is used.

Here we see:

  • The number of visitors to your website for the selected period.
  • Percentage of new users.
  • Failure rate.
  • How many calls you ended up with in the selected period.
  • How many submissions, which gives insight into how well your site is converting visitors.
  • The efficiency of managers who answer incoming calls.
  • How many of the customers for whom requests were created actually came to the service center and turned in their appliances for repair.
  • Total number of orders.
  • What percentage of orders ended up being paid and how many were given to the customer without payment.
  • Revenue by order, profit.
  • Advertising costs.
  • Average check.
  • Marketing costs to attract one customer.
  • An indicator of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

We can view all of the above metrics for each advertising channel separately. The "Internet" advertising channel has subcategories corresponding to each online advertising source. Data from Google Analytics is pulled in automatically and can also be entered manually by the service center receptionist when placing an order. All other offline sources are specified exclusively by the service center receptionist when placing an order. In this way, information from online and offline channels is collected and analyzed in one place.

We can generate graphs and perform comparative analysis of all advertising sources. Which channels give us the most clients, which channels bring us the most profit, which channels we spend the most money on, how the specific weight of each channel changes compared to the previous period, and so on. Moreover, the system takes into account associative conversions and correctly distributes the weight of each lead. Even if the client has been in contact with different advertising media before placing an order.

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