For many sellers it is important to make navigation through the store catalog as easy as possible, especially if there are many products of different brands in the catalog. With the help of attributes you can set up filters to search for products by brand, color, price, size and so on. In this window you can customize attribute sets and attributes themselves. To open this window you need to go to the Attributes section in the product nomenclature card and click on the button with the gear icon.



Attributes are product properties by which buyers will filter products, if it is impossible to do it with single categories (e.g. weight, color, size, packaging, etc.). To add a new attribute, click the "Add new attribute" button. To edit an existing one - click on the pencil icon in the Manage column.

  • The name is the name of the attribute.
  • Type - type of attribute values display (multifilter - drop-down list with several selections or single - drop-down list with only one selection).
  • Value - attribute values, e.g. value color - blue, white, black. To add multiple values click on the "Add value" button.


Attribute Sets

Attribute sets are sets (combinations) of attributes combined together. To add a new attribute set, click the "Add new set" button. To edit an existing one, click the pencil icon in the Manage column.

  • Name - the name of the attribute set.
  • Attributes - attributes that will be combined into one set.


Bind to goods

Mass binding of attributes to products. In this section you can bind attribute sets with specified attribute values to products. First, select the attribute set, then specify the attribute values and mark the necessary goods to which we want to bind. After filling in the information, click the "Save" button. If the product already has a set of attributes, then only new values of the same set will be saved to this product.

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