
Logistic chains are similar to route sheets only not in printed form, but online. A logistics chain consists of an origin point, logistics itself, and a destination point. For example, the origin point is the Central Office, the logistics is the Courier, and the destination point is the Workshop.

How to add a logistics chain

Go to the "Warehouses" section, select the "Central Office" warehouse and add the "To Workshop" location. Next, open the "Logistics" warehouse and add the "Courier" location. For the "Workshop" warehouse, add the location "From Central Office".

Go to "Warehouses" -> "Logistics" -> "Settings" and add a logistics chain. Departure point is "Central Office" warehouse, location "To Workshop". Logistics warehouse "Logistics", you don't need to choose a location, as any courier can pick up the order. Destination point warehouse "Workshop", location "From Central Office". Press "Save".

Now if someone in the central office needs to transfer a part or order to the workshop, they simply scan the receipt and scan the "To Workshop" location and place the order in the shopping cart. At this point, a delivery request is automatically created. The user with the Courier role receives a notification that there is a new move order.

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