Income Registration

This displays all accepted and received orders and orders to the supplier. In the general list we see:

  • № - order number.
  • Created by - the name of the employee who created the request to the vendor.
  • Goods - the name of the product.
  • Qty - number of products.
  • Price - price per unit.
  • Cost - the cost for the entire batch.
  • Paid - how much has been paid to the supplier.
  • Supplier - the name of the supplier.
  • Delivery date - date of delivery of goods.
  • Accepted by - who accepted the goods and when.
  • Debit - how much was entered and to which warehouse.
  • Status - status of the order. Approved - this is an order that has been accepted to the warehouse and is being checked, but has not yet been received. That is, such a product has not yet been assigned a serial number.
  • Note - we can edit order comments by clicking on this pen icon. There is also an "L" and a "A" here. "L" means that the order was ordered locally to the supplier, and "A" means that it was ordered abroad.

If you place the cursor over an order, a pop-up menu will appear. We can edit the order, e.g. change the supplier if the order has not yet been stocked. Print the delivery note or see which orders are waiting for the product.

Orders to the supplier can also be filtered by clicking on "Filter". Next to it there is a button "+Debit". You can add goods to the system in three ways:

  • By creating an order to a supplier in the menu Orders -> Orders to suppliers
  • Importing through an Excel file.
  • Create a delivery note by yourself. In this case, we create a regular order to the supplier, but skip the item with the approval of goods. In the form of order creation we specify immediately the warehouse where the goods will be entered.
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