What stereotypes hinder the development of your business


You can study business strategies for a long time, take courses, study at the Faculty of Management, participate in all kinds of conferences, but theory will not give you what practice can. As soon as you learn the basics of entrepreneurship and think over the basis for your business, start working right away. Yes, it is impossible to achieve success without nerves, mistakes, losses, this is all experience, because there is no single formula for success. However, in addition to the knowledge gained and the first mistakes in business, there are other important factors that affect the development of your business. These are stereotypes and beliefs about what a business should be and what should not be done in this area, from which you need to get rid of. It is worth understanding this in order to understand which stereotypical factors interfere with your development.


Stereotypical factors


Stereotype one: take all the work on yourself

Problem: Many newcomers to the business believe that only they personally can do the job best. They work so hard, spending all their strength on building their own business that they do not notice how they have been squeezed to the limit in the first year. This is how burnout occurs for more than 70% of aspiring entrepreneurs.

Solution: This can be avoided by delegating responsibilities. There is nothing wrong with that, because you can always assemble a team of intelligent specialists, motivate them so that they lead your company to success. You just need to organize, control and manage everything well, and not combine the duties of 10-20 specialists at once. You will never have enough time, opportunities, or knowledge to perform the work of each specialist at the highest level. It is a myth that, with proper planning, you can do 10 things at the same time. Try to focus not on completing as many tasks as possible, but on finding candidates for your team and building it.


The second stereotype: corporate culture and values ​​are not needed at the initial stage of company formation

Problem: Not all entrepreneurs care about corporate values ​​and culture, without considering it necessary to spend time on it. In fact, your company's values ​​are already starting to emerge the moment you conduct your first interview, evaluate a person, and check if they meet your criteria. Then the culture of the firm is formed when you hire your first employees.

These processes occur regardless of your decisions, but if you do not take care of what values ​​to maintain in the company and what culture to develop from the very beginning, these factors will form chaotically, with the influence of other people, and will not correspond to your ideas in the future. It will be difficult to fix it later, so it is better to influence first - at the moment of formation.

Solution: Even if your company is still small and consists of several employees, form the basis of the culture from the following values:

  • mutual assistance in the team;
  • openness to communication and learning new things;
  • honesty between colleagues and honesty with clients;
  • respectful attitude to each other;
  • equal opportunities for all;
  • the desire to do the job well;
  • motivation for growth and development;
  • polite attitude towards clients;
  • completing work on time.

You can add other items to this list that would shape all the values ​​of your business.

When you are looking for people to work in your company, look only at professional skills, but do not check whether the person corresponds to the values ​​of your business, be prepared for quarrels, problems and conflicts. If the team does not work harmoniously, and very different people try to interact in it, it will be difficult for you to successfully develop the company. To avoid this, as early as the first stage of the interview, ask the candidate a few questions to determine his values. Further, when discussing the working conditions, be sure to announce the entire list of your company's values ​​so that the future employee perceives them as his own and, together with colleagues, develops your corporate culture.


The third stereotype: Excel or Google Sheets are suitable for maintenance

Problem: A large number of entrepreneurs still keep their notes in a notebook, on a computer in Word, Excel, or at best in Google Sheets. It is easy to lose this data, you can miss something, not notice, make mistakes in calculations, overdue orders, confuse phone numbers.

Solution: you need to automate your business as soon as possible. It is much better to conduct business using special maintenance software than to write everything in a journal. Modern software performs many tasks automatically, saves a lot of time and makes complex processes simple.

As soon as you use the Gincore browser program, you can transfer all the data from the old tables to the new system, set tasks to subordinates, monitor their implementation, keep track of orders, customers, finances, goods, use various tools to promote your business without additional advertising costs.


The fourth stereotype: you can hire several universal workers instead of a huge staff of narrow specialists

Problem: if your staff has 5-in-1 employees, it seems to you that you won, saved on the salaries of several people. But this is not the case. One subordinate has only 8 hours of working time, he cannot cope with the duties of several specialists during this time and does not perform every task professionally.

Solution: hire key employees, without whom it is impossible to create and develop a business. As the company grows, orders and work volumes increase, the staff can also be expanded. The main thing is to do it gradually and to give each employee a career development opportunity, to motivate subordinates for a positive result. Then each employee will perform a maximum of tasks within the framework of his duties at the highest level.


Taking the company to the next level


Stereotype five: all the company's profits belong to the head

Problem: Many entrepreneurs have one account for personal funds and business. From the general budget, funds are spent on everyday expenses, paying bills, advertising, employee salaries, and more. In such a situation, it is difficult to understand what share of the funds belongs to your business and how much to you.

Solution: of course, you are the owner of the business and only you can decide how to split the funds, but this must be done as soon as possible. Each company must have capital, including funds for business development, for the payment of salaries to employees, for purchases, for resources, for force majeure situations. When planning finances, send your profits (manager's salary) to your personal account. This division of finance, like planning, will help you optimize processes and will contribute to the development of the company much faster.


When to start breaking stereotypes

Together with you, we have analyzed the main stereotypes in business. Of course, there are more than 5 of them, but you can part with the above beliefs today. Divide finances, shape corporate values ​​and culture, hire narrow specialists, delegate responsibilities and create a profile in the Gincore program. Implement these tips in your business now, get rid of the brakes on your business, and soon you will begin to flourish, taking your company to the next level.


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