1. Each service department has an assigned warehouse to which the order is received by default. Warehouses are assigned to an employee, so that the system understands that the employee who creates an order automatically accepts this order to the order assigned to him. Thus there is a distribution in the system, which departments receive more or less orders.

2. Logistics chain, is designed to track and control all the movements created in the system, in other words in the Logistics menu all movements are displayed by their chains, from where to where and you can click on the order number or serial number of the product to see who created the movement.

3. The chain is created in a very simple way. In the Logistics -> Settings menu you need to specify the system Warehouse from which the movement starts and the location of this warehouse.

Attention!!! It is not recommended to specify in the logistic chain the location that is used by the employee by default, i.e. when creating an order the system automatically accepts the order to Warehouse #1 location A1, because at each order creation the system will create a chain of events and all created orders will be as if waiting to be moved.

In order to properly create a logistic chain, you need to create separate locations in the warehouse settings, both for the starting point and for receiving the movement.

For example:

Starting point - Warehouse 1, Location A4-Movement

Middle link of the chain always Logistics

The destination of the chain and it also closes the chain of the entire movement

Warehouse #2, Location B4-Receiving movements. As a result, employees move the order or goods to the starting point, and the logistician or other responsible person creates a further movement, to the logistics, then to the destination. All manually, but in the chain it is reflected and you can see that the movement is completed or not completed.

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