Feedback on the Work of Employees

In the More -> Widgets -> Feedback on the work of employees menu copy the widget code and place it on your site before the closing tag. This widget allows customers to rate the employees who served them.

The principle of operation is as follows. Each employee has a rating, we can see it under the avatar in the upper left corner. If you click on the word "Rating", you can see the history of ratings, when and for which order he was rated by the client. There is also a general rating of the company, which is calculated as the sum of all ratings of employees divided by the number of employees. The company rating and the rating of all employees are displayed on the main page.

In the widget settings you can check the "Send SMS to customers with a request to leave a feedback" checkbox. Every time you accept a device for repair the client will receive a SMS on his phone with a request to evaluate the work of your employees. The SMS will contain the client code generated by the system and none of the employees will know it.

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