Integration with Rostelecom, transactions in accounting, adding goods and services to orders. Update


Gincore update 24.04.20.

It is important not to spill over, but rather to gather all forces and spend time as productively as possible during quarantine. Our team supports the initiative of efficiency, and releases the second update in a month. We decided not by word but by deed to set an example and activated all capacities. 

What's new with us?
1. Added integration with Rostelecom telephony provider. If you need help setting up, feel free to contact support. We will always help.
2. Redesigned the method of outputting transactions in accounting. Now you can limit the number of positions displayed on one page, which will speed up the process of loading and displaying the page.
3. Simplified the way to add goods and services to orders. By placing the cursor in the search field, the system will display all the goods or services that you have ever used for this device. This will save time on adding positions to common breakdowns.
4. Fixed bugs and minor troubles that you wrote to us about. 

What are we planning next?
- working on usability. Write if you are not comfortable clicking somewhere, or if you wanted a button of a different shape. We will listen to everyone and will find a compromise;
- New schedules and statistics on services;
- add the ability to change the interface language;
- and this is far from all. Follow our blog and youtube channel. All news will be published there.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Wash your hands with soap :)

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