Cash movements

All cash receipts for repair and sales orders are displayed here. A list of payments for the selected period is displayed with detailed information about the orders for which these payments were made.

At the top is a set of filters. Here we can filter only repair orders or only sales orders. Filter the orders received via mail or exclusively warranty orders, as well as warranty orders for a specific brand or counterparty. Filter by department, we can filter repair or sales orders that were created at a specific department. Filters by Manager, Receptionist and Master, using these filters we can filter the orders that contain these employees.

There is also a "More" tab with additional filters:

  • By status - filter orders that are currently in a certain status.
  • By product name - filter orders that have a specific item or product attached.
  • By device serial number.
  • By device name.
  • By client name.
  • By advertising channel. For example, we can filter out all orders in which customers came from the Internet.



Select the employee of the period we are interested in and click create report. Having generated the report, we can see the automatic method of payroll charging that is connected to this employee. You can change the method of payroll charging to an employee in the user card in the More - Employees section.

Here you can see the number of devices repaired by the employee during the selected period. How many devices were accepted for repair, how many were issued from repair, the number of sales, the amount earned on repairs, on sales and the total salary accrued for the selected period.

The table itself displays a detailed report. For which orders the payment was charged, for which works, the total cost of works on the order and the amounts, how much was charged to the employee for this repair.

At the very bottom under the table there is an option to upload the report to an Excel file. Also in the access rights settings you can give an employee the ability to see the report for himself in this tab.


Net profit

Here we see the net profit of the company by months with a detailed breakdown of what items of income and expenses formed the net profit.

  • Company turnover or revenue is a report that is generated from all the payments made by customers for orders.
  • Cost of orders sold is the purchase price of all spare parts goods sold during the reporting period.
  • Gross profit is the difference between revenue and cost of goods and parts sold.
  • Operating expenses of the company. Clicking on this article will open a detailed report on what and how much money the company spent.
  • Operating profit is gross profit minus operating expenses.
  • Net profit - shows the exact value of how much we earn each month.



Net Profit*

The company's net profit reflects how much the company has earned, taking into account all its income and expenses.

All company expenses must be recorded as transactions through the cash register. If an income or expense is not logged this way, the financial data will be incomplete, which means that the financial indicator won't reflect the actual situation and will be incorrect.

The Net Profit report includes all income and expense items of the company, and can also be supplemented with custom entries to provide a full picture of the financial indicator.

To add a custom entry, go to the Accounting/Settings menu, select Expense Items or Income Items, and create the necessary item.

If no transactions have been recorded for a custom entry, it won’t appear in the Net Profit report. In order for the entry to be included, it must be used in a transaction.


Revenue (Company Turnover)

Revenue reflects the total income received from customer orders, which includes sales of goods and services, as well as repair orders. If a customer order was created last month, a prepayment was made last month, and then the remaining payment was made in the following month with the order status set to “Delivered,” all prepayments and payments will be recorded on the date the status was updated to “Delivered.”

This approach ensures that the system calculates the profit for the order correctly, without splitting the prepayments. Taking a prepayment does not count as profit, and the order would be considered a loss.

For example, an order is placed in August, with the cost of goods at 1,000, and a prepayment of 100. Thus, the profit for the order is a negative -900.

In the following month, after receiving the remaining 900, the system will again show a negative profit of -100 due to payments being made over different periods. The system calculates according to the payment periods.

If all payments are combined on the date the status is updated to “Delivered,” the profit will be calculated correctly, and the order won’t be considered a loss. If the order is sent back for adjustments and additional payments are made, the system will reflect this on the new “Delivered” date.

It’s important to note that during adjustments, the system will calculate profit based on any additional parts or payments added to the order. If no new parts or payments are involved, then the company's turnover remains unchanged, and there is no profit or loss for the order.


Cost of Goods Sold

This section of the report shows the total cost of all goods shipped in customer orders, including both sales and repair orders.
Just like with revenue, the cost of goods sold is recorded in the report based on the period when the “Delivered” status was set.


Gross Profit

This section shows the total profit generated from fulfilled customer orders. It is calculated using the formula “Order total minus the cost of goods sold.”


Operating Expenses, Order Refunds, Counterparties, Write-offs, Bank Commissions, Rent (property), Utility Payments, Postal Expenses, Telephone and Communications, Internet, SMS Sending, Advertising Expenses, Google Adwords, Yandex Direct, SEO (organic promotion), Outdoor Advertising, Office Maintenance, Household Goods, Office Supplies, Security Services, Salaries

These items represent the company's expenses and are considered when calculating net profit.

Example: The company shipped orders totaling 100,000, with the cost of goods sold amounting to 10,000. Thus, the gross profit is 90,000. However, after accounting for expenses such as office rent, advertising, internet, salaries, etc., the company's profit will be significantly lower. This is how net profit is calculated.

If certain expenses are not recorded in the system, the displayed net profit will not be accurate.


Operating Profit

This section shows the amount calculated using the formula “Gross profit minus all operating expenses.”


Taxes and Loan Interest

This section reflects all expenses related to taxes and loan interest, and they are also considered when calculating net profit.

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