The "Order Manager" module is a convenient way to control order fulfillment deadlines. All open customer orders are displayed here in the form of multicolored rectangles. The color of each one corresponds to the current repair status. Flashing red orders are overdue orders.

Click on the square to open the order card. If it is an overdue order, you will see a bar at the top with a message about why it is overdue.

You can filter the orders by the date of the client's request to your service, by manager, master or department where the client's device is located. Next is the gear. This is the settings button, where you can specify the service standards for the company.

Here you designate the maximum number of days that an order can be in a certain status without changes. By setting these parameters you will control when orders become overdue. And at the very bottom there is a checkbox that allows you to mark an order as overdue, if the date of estimated readiness is exceeded.

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