How to interact with employees correctly


Employee engagement is a workflow approach that contributes to the successful development of a company. In this case, conditions are created for all team members to be motivated and work conscientiously, making their contribution to the common cause. Work must be organized so that the personal professional achievements of each subordinate depend on the success of the entire company, which contributes to the effective work of each member of the team on a daily basis.

David MacLeod speaks of employee engagement this way: “It's about how we create an environment in which the company's employees can express themselves, reveal their potential and abilities.”

The complicity of subordinates in the work process is based on the following principles:

  • trust;
  • honesty;
  • fulfillment of obligations of both parties;
  • communication of employees within the organization.

By putting engagement into practice, you increase the level of productivity of each employee, which increases the overall productivity of the company. This criterion is measured, evaluated from poor to excellent. It can be adjusted and increased, which will positively affect the success of your enterprise. McLeod's report “Engaging for Success” outlines four common features of high-performing organizations that exploit employee engagement.



How team engagement is organized

The starting point for employee engagement is formed in the morning before the start of the working day. It is emerging with such thoughts: “Now I am going to work. I know what tasks I will have today. I have great ideas on how to do my job really well. I look forward to coming to work and seeing my colleagues. I will do my best to do a good job today and benefit the company.”

The main goal of team involvement is to understand the role in the organization, tasks and functions. Each employee must have a clear understanding of:

  • what is the mission and goals of the company;
  • how tasks are performed;
  • what to do to work better;
  • what ideas will help develop;
  • what solutions will improve the results.

The involvement of subordinates is realized in the fact that everyone is included in the work process of the company. Each team member focuses on specific goals. He works confidently and receives regular feedback. Each employee develops new skills, proposes ideas, participates in projects and receives a reward for his achievements. This enhances both personal results and the results of the entire organization.

The ideal expression of team involvement is based on company values, fairness, trust, and mutual respect. In such a team, bilateral obligations are fulfilled, all promises are accepted by employees and are faithfully fulfilled.


How employees interact as a team

In general, employee involvement increases the results of all business processes, improves the behavior of subordinates and motivates them to a high level of work. This allows employees to feel proud of their company and to be satisfied as part of the team. This status is manifested in everything: in communicating with clients, in working with customers, in the implementation of projects. Employees strive to perform well, making every effort to successfully achieve their goals.

In order to apply the method of involvement in your organization, you need to stimulate employees to develop, use new knowledge and innovative approaches to work. This way involves deep commitment between employees and management. This further helps to reduce sick leave, reduce accidents, conflicts, grievances, and increases productivity.

The principle of employee involvement is shaped by the values ​​on which the company is based. It is based on the promises and responsibilities that form the basis of the work. If an employee does not cope with certain tasks, he must explain why he did not complete them. Each member of the team must be responsible for the results of the work – successes or failures.



What employee engagement is not?

Employee engagement cannot be rigidly imposed, it is introduced organically and is based on the corporate culture. The complicity of subordinates cannot be caused by coercion, manipulation and punishment. Employees will be cynical and frustrated if these methods are applied, but productivity will not be affected in any way. The right implementation of engagement will keep your team together and deliver high results for the entire company.


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