Filter optimization, performance improvement. Update


The Gincore team is working in turbo mode, because we are preparing two huge innovations that will not leave you indifferent.

In the current update, we have not added many familiar functions or modules, have not changed the interface, but we dug deeper. Added optimization for all filters in the program and for most significant functions. This will speed up program response and increase performance by two and a half times.
Fixed bugs and shortcomings.

Now, we are preparing to release two large modules.
The first is payroll. Completely new module, with flexible and wide range of settings. The release is planned for the month of August this year.

The second is sales. Gincore.Sales is a separate full-fledged module that will work outside of repairs. It contains everything that sellers need to sell online and more. We will release all details and descriptions later. The beta testing of the product has already begun. If you sell online and want to join the beta testing team - write to chat or email, there is a place for you. 


Try it for free


See the next update 09/08/21. Editing prepayment, history of transfers, improved import of orders.

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