Fresh update overview of Gincore. New functionalities have been added to the "Reminders" module and much more.
This update includes the following improvements:
- Changes have been made to the “Reminders” module. When creating a reminder, you can now assign multiple responsible employees, including yourself.
- We added two more methods for calculating employee salaries within the system.
- Custom statuses for repairs can now be created and linked to the order deadline monitoring system.
- We have simplified cash register operations and added the ability to include necessary articles.
- We automated the pricing system.
Multiple Responsible Parties in the "Reminders" Module
At the request of active users, we have made changes to the “Reminders” module. Now, when creating a new reminder, you can designate several responsible employees, including yourself. All reminders are saved in the history.
Two New Salary Calculation Methods
Currently, Gincore offers three different methods for calculating salaries for technicians in the service center. All these methods are implemented and automated in the Gincore system. Below is a detailed description of each.
Option #1: "Diversified Percentage"
This salary calculation method allows technicians to earn a dynamic percentage based on the complexity of each job, rather than a standard rate. A separate percentage can be specified for each job. You can set this percentage in the service card of each job or in the category card. If no percentage is set in the service card, the system will use the category percentage instead. For example, we can create a category called “Flashing” and set a 25% rate for the technician. By moving all software-related services into this category, any software service mentioned in a repair order will earn the technician 25% of its cost.
To switch an employee to this salary calculation method, you need to:
1. Go to the Employees section,
2. Open the employee’s card and check the box for “Diversified Salary Calculation” under “% of Product/Service Sales.”
It is important to remember that with this salary calculation method, the percentage is calculated based on the difference between the cost price of the product/service and the actual sale price. If the order price is set at 1000 rubles and the retail price for the service is set at 500 rubles, the salary calculation will use the price of 500 rubles, not the total order value.
Another key point: if spare parts were used in the repair order, the percentage from the sale of those parts does not factor into the technician's salary calculation. In this order, a service was provided and a part was used, but only the service will be calculated for the technician. The percentage from product sales is only calculated from sales orders.
Option #2: "Payment by Price List"
This salary calculation method involves creating a specific price list with fixed rates for performing each type of work. For example, “Screen Replacement on Smartphones” - 100 rubles, “Screen Replacement on Laptops” - 300 rubles, etc. To apply the price list calculation for employees, a fixed amount must be specified in the service card for each job completed. If no payment amount is specified in the service card, the system will use the amount listed in the category card for the service.
To implement this form of salary calculation, we need to:
1. Go to the Employees section,
2. Open the employee’s card and check the “fixed payment” box under “Diversified Salary Calculation.”
Let’s navigate to the Accounting section—>Reports and see what such a salary report looks like. As you can see, a fixed amount is charged for each job, regardless of the actual profit from providing the service.
Option #3: "Classic Percentage"
In the employee card, you specify a fixed percentage that each employee receives from every repair or sale. It does not matter what kind of product or service the technician is providing; they receive a fixed percentage of the profit from their order. Profit from the order is calculated as the difference between the amount paid by the client and the cost of the used spare parts. In reports, this appears as: operational profit from their orders, the percentage of operational profit, and salary in monetary terms.
Please note that orders with partial payments, which may have been made in another reporting period—such as prepayments or installments—are marked with the label “Two or More Transactions.” This is necessary to avoid double counting. For example, if a customer brings in a device for repair at the end of September and makes a prepayment, and then the device is returned for further work, when you run the report for September, it will show the total and pay the technician for that order. In October, when the customer comes back to collect the device and pays the remainder, when you run the report for October, that order will appear again but with the “Two or More Transactions” label, preventing the technician from being paid again.
Ability to Create Custom Statuses
This update introduces a long-awaited feature: the ability to create your own statuses for repair orders and link them to the deadline monitoring system. To add statuses, go to the Settings section and click on “Repair Order Statuses” at the bottom. Existing statuses cannot be disabled or edited, but their colors can be changed. Below, we can add our custom statuses, select their colors, and choose whether to integrate them with the “Order Manager” deadline control system.
If we connect a new status to the control system, it will appear in the section: Orders—>Order Manager—>Settings.
By default, a new status has a processing time of 1 day, which you can modify. We have an exclusive video overview of how to use this module on our channel.
Improvements in the "Cash Register" Module
We have also simplified cash register management. If the required article or counterparty is not listed when entering or withdrawing money, we can click the plus sign and quickly add the necessary article in a pop-up window. After saving, the page does not refresh, allowing you to complete the withdrawal or deposit operation seamlessly.
Further Enhancements in the "Cash Register" Module
In the product card under the OMT tab, you can set automatic markup for both retail and wholesale prices of the product. The auto-markup can be configured as either a percentage or a fixed monetary value.
The principle of operation is as follows: each time you receive a new batch of this product into stock, its retail and wholesale prices will adjust according to the auto-markup settings. If you set an auto-markup of 50%, then after receiving the product at a price of 100 rubles, its retail price will change to 150 rubles. Consequently, with each new batch receipt, its retail and wholesale prices will continue to adjust based on the cost price of each new batch.