Software for accounting orders for clothing repairs

20 august 2017

Any studio or workshop for repair of clothes needs a full accounting, which consists of the accounting of orders, accounting of warehouse balances, accounting and customer base.

After all, it is difficult to manage an enterprise on records in a notebook, and even more difficult to keep everything in your head. Therefore, sooner or later, every owner of the repair shop will face the problem of choosing a program for repairing clothes. In this article, we have tried to collect all the necessary information that will help you make the right choice.




What software solutions for clothing repair shops are on the market?

The market is full of systems that can record and automate the repair of clothing, but only a few correspond to the banal requirements of business.

The main functionality and requirements that the program must meet: a modern and intuitive interface, user-friendliness (CRM, calls, employee notifications, messages to customers, payroll), professional technical support and feedback from software developers ready to listen and implement user ideas in a life. A good example, the corresponding standard is the Gincore program.


Gincore Features

1. Accounting of orders

2. Accounting of warehouses

2.1. Inventory

2.2. Address storage system

3. Sales

4. Accounting

5. Notices to customers and employees

6. Integration with telephony

7. CRM

8. Analytics and Statistics

9. Integration with warehousing and trading equipment.

10. The designer of printed documents.

11. Time control systems

12. KPI for employees

13. Sending SMS notifications

14. Integration with Google Analytics


Program benefits. Why Gincore?

1. Fast: To get started, simply register on the site. The program does not need to be installed on employee computers;

2. Easy: training of personnel is carried out with the help of videos on youtube channel, which will allow not only to automate the learning process, but also to monitor all updates of the program in the future;

3. Convenient: The transition from the old accounting program does not take more than a few hours, all the data can be transferred using the export / import.

4. Safe: Your data is stored on different servers that are in two countries. To prevent fraud within the system, you can restrict employee access to company data;

5. Profitable: for beginning entrepreneurs there are discounts, loyalty programs and even there is a free fare with full functionality.



User Reviews

Dmitry Kirilenko, “Elegant”: Gincore does not just simplify the work of the workshop, but gives the workshop a tool for full-fledged work and development. We forgot about the permanent entries in the notebook and excel, where orders were often lost, and there is no accounting in general. In the process of finding the optimal solution for automation, we tried several different products that do not correspond to the needs of our business, and we are happy that we found you.


Where to begin?

By clicking the “Try Gincore now” button, you will go directly to the Gincore clothing repair program, which will help automate your business.


Try Gincore now


And all the instructions for using the program are on our corporate youtube channel.

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