Cartridge Refilling Management Software.
By popular demand from our users, we’ve implemented the ability to receive multiple devices in a single repair order, as well as view the history of all devices that a client has ever submitted to our service center. Here’s how it works:
When placing a repair order, we can specify an unlimited number of devices. To do this, simply enter the name and specifications of the first device, then click on “+ Accept multiple devices in a single order.” This will create another field where you can repeat the process. This feature will save a lot of time and effort for cartridge refilling services, as there is no longer a need to accept each cartridge individually; you can now submit 10-20 cartridges under a single receipt. Gincore is now a comprehensive cartridge refilling management system.
Additionally, when creating a repair order, we see a new field on the right labeled “Client Devices.” Now, when entering the name of a client who has contacted us before, we can view their entire repair history – including the device name, color, serial number, and the dates of their first and last submissions. Many services have regular clients, and each time they come in, they often bring the same equipment. Instead of having to re-enter the name and serial number each time, the intake staff can simply select the required device from a list. This information is also stored in the client record under the Inventory tab, helping maintain a log of cartridge refills.