Benefits of the Gincore program for the service center

21 mart 2020

At the initial stage of the new service center work, there are usually not many orders. Over time, the number of clients and the volume of work increases. It seems that rapid development is the best condition for success, reputation gain and profit growth. However, with the increase in work, problems arise with deadlines, spare parts, efficiency decreases, disputes with customers arise, the entire business plan collapses. To avoid this scenario, you will need to automate the service center using the cloud-based Gincore program.


Features of the service center maintenance program

Gincore software is a full-featured service center maintenance program. It is used for all types of maintenance, enterprise automation and improving the efficiency of the SC. Gincore also helps simplify management and finance issues to improve all business performance.

A feature of the program is that access to it is remote. You can log into your account from any device - tablet, laptop or PC. To log in, you need to use your browser and enter your account details. In this case, you can use the program even while away from the office.

The program for the service center work is used for all types of maintenance:

  • clients;
  • orders;
  • warehouse management;
  • accounting;
  • repairs control.

In addition to these functions, Gincore has tools for statistics, analytics, and employee performance monitoring. In one of the modules, you can create a list of products or load them from an Excel file. The developer is constantly improving the software, fixing problems, adding new options. Working with Gincore on an ongoing basis, you will be able to put all your affairs in order and establish business processes.


Maintenance in the service center

Gincore software is the best solution for automating work in a service center. It is suitable for SC of different types of devices and brands, for small firms and large enterprises. The main advantage of Gincore is the availability of all types of maintenance, which we will consider in more detail later.


Module "Clients"

In the clients section, there are basic options for working with them:

  • list of clients;
  • calls;
  • applications;
  • reports.

The increase in the number of customers directly depends on the effectiveness of advertising. The program allows you to control advertising campaigns and keep track of customers.

When the service center receives an application or a call from a new client, a separate card is created for him. It contains the last name, first name, patronymic of the person, phone number, other contacts, comments, from where the client learned about the SC. Conversations between operators and clients are also attached to his card.


Module "Orders"

Gincore software, which is developed for service centers, is great for order maintenance. There is a section for this task with the following options:

  • create an order;
  • repairs;
  • sales;
  • orders to suppliers;
  • order manager.

The SC maintenance program is developed to save the work time of each employee. An automated system for maintaining and changing orders speeds up the processing time for all orders. Accordingly, the employees of the service center manage to fulfill a larger number of orders and earn more profit.

If we take a closer look at the order card, then the following data is entered into it:

  • category of device;
  • device brand and model;
  • what are the malfunctions;
  • what services or types of repairs are needed;
  • the manager who accepted the application;
  • an engineer who will make repairs;
  • photo of equipment with a close-up of the breakdown;
  • form of payment;
  • term of work and issue of the order;
  • Full name and contacts of the client;
  • additional information and comments;
  • discount and approximate cost, prepayment;
  • advertising source.

Often in service centers there is an additional direction - trade. Devices, spare parts, accessories can be sold. Sales orders have two subsections: quick sell and sales through the online store. In offline sales, you can specify the serial number of the product, cost, service, comment. In the invoice for the online store, in addition to the basic data, the name, customer's phone number, e-mail, discount, delivery and payment method are indicated. You can also add a receipt and a shipping invoice.

Module “Warehouses”

In the warehouses' section of the Gincore program, there are the following tools:

  • stock balance;
  • received equipment;
  • expenses;
  • moving;
  • inventory;
  • settings.

This section allows you to control all materials, goods, order processing, improve logistics.

The online service center program allows you to cope with many problems in the warehouse:

  • Problems with orders. All orders are fixed in the system, their priorities are determined, statuses are changed in accordance with the stage of work. In this case, you can always quickly pick up urgent orders, and then process the rest, without forgetting anything, observing the deadlines.
  • The work depends on other workers. An ordinary warehouse is a large area with several locations. Although a sorting system is used for work, it is not always possible to independently find the desired product. Only a few employees may have this information, so first you need to find them and find out the location of the products of interest. To avoid this, in the maintenance program, you can find the exact coordinates of the goods and find it without anyone's help.
  • Delay in deliveries. SC employees have many tasks. To make life easier, you can set up automatic purchases of goods and parts from suppliers.
  • Long-term inventory. With the Gincore program, inventory will be quick. It is enough to go around the entire room with a scanner and scan the barcodes of all goods. Shortage and surplus reports will be generated automatically.

Maintenance of the service center simplifies the work of all departments of the enterprise and saves time. Use the Gincore program for this, it has great functionality. After several weeks of using the software, you will put things in order in the service center, increasing the number of orders and profits.


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