Job Description for Receiver - Administrator at the Service Center

22 may 2017

The face of any service center is the reception administrator. The quality of their work directly affects the reputation of the entire company. To provide top-notch service, they must adhere to the job description. In this article, you will learn what a reception administrator is and the specifics of their role.


Key Responsibilities of a Reception Administrator

The service center administrator works at the customer service point and receives their requests. This employee must assist people as much as possible with equipment repairs, selecting the right services, ordering spare parts, and more.

The main responsibilities of the administrator include:

  1. Organizing the workspace. It should be tidy and ergonomic. There should be no unnecessary items in plain sight. Their work area should look presentable and be comfortable for the employee.
  2. Maintaining cleanliness. If there is no cleaning staff in the service center, the administrator is responsible for keeping things in order: dusting, wiping displays and surfaces, mopping floors, and taking out the garbage.
  3. Equipment oversight. In addition to cleanliness, the service administrator must also monitor the functionality of office equipment, furniture, and other devices used during work. If something is broken or malfunctioning, the administrator must immediately inform their direct supervisor. They should then attempt to resolve the issues themselves or seek help from colleagues.
  4. Proper appearance. According to the guidelines, it is unacceptable for the administrator to wear outer clothing while at work. An exception may be made by the supervisor if the service center is extremely cold in winter. If the company provides uniforms or branded clothing, the administrator must wear it during working hours.
  5. Organization. Personal items should not be present in the customer service area: clothing, shoes, bags, food containers, drinks, and personal hygiene products should be stored in drawers. The microwave and kettle are usually placed in a separate room that is off-limits to customers, where employees can take breaks.
  6. Monitoring the work environment. Once the administrator has served all customers and no one is present at the service desk, they check the cleanliness of the space, the remaining spare parts, and adjust the display of products. They must prepare a report for the supervisor detailing which parts remain in the service center. If any spare parts are missing, a request for their delivery should be submitted.
  7. Breaks. If the reception administrator takes a break or needs to step away unexpectedly, they should ask a colleague to cover for them. In emergency cases where no replacement is found, a sign should be left for customers stating that the administrator has stepped away for a few minutes, along with their contact number for quick communication. It's also important to notify colleagues in the group chat about their absence.
  8. Positive attitude. According to the guidelines for service center administrators, an employee should be polite, tactful, attentive, and pleasant to interact with. By welcoming customers with a smile and in a good mood, and providing quality service, the administrator encourages people to use their services again in the future.


Administrator – The Face of the Company

Each firm may develop its own instructions for service administrators, which should address the points outlined above. The administrator must maintain order in the service center and provide excellent customer service. They act as a helper, solving all the issues that clients present to them. This approach ensures the company’s recognition and a good reputation since the administrator is the face of any service.



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