Categories in the Gincore program


The Gincore program is used in repair shops, stores and warehouses. Categories are one of the software modules. This tool allows you to organize goods, services, acceptance of equipment for repair, and also helps to process orders. The list of categories can be replenished and edited, new models, names can be added, the list can be adjusted depending on changes in the work of the enterprise.


What are categories?

Categories in Gincore are a tool with which you can organize goods, services and devices accepted for repair. You can manage this menu yourself: import previously prepared categories into the program, create new ones directly in the program, delete unnecessary items.

To add a new category, in the appropriate section, select the "Create" option, specify the name and parent (root) category. To organize the data in this section, all positions must be placed in the form of a tree, observing the hierarchy. When a new product or device arrives for service, you can quickly find a suitable position in the module and enter data. This will speed up the work of managers and the completion of tasks.


Adding category cards


Why is it important to set up the hierarchy correctly?

Correct hierarchy setup is the basic principle of working with categories. First, root positions are created, then subcategories of manufacturers, species, and models are added to them. For example, consider the 3 categories «Camera - Canon - EOS 5D Mark III». In this case, the camera is the root category, Canon is the manufacturer's category, and the EOS 5D Mark III is the models. If there are goods in the warehouse that fit several categories, then they can be added to the root category or all current items can be selected.

It is necessary to build the hierarchy correctly for a number of reasons:

  • to quickly find the desired positions of models in the system;
  • inform customers if a specific product is in stock;
  • know if the repair of devices of a specific model is being carried out;
  • control the availability of warehouse balances;
  • handle customer requests;
  • use categories for other functions in the program;
  • create reports;
  • maintain order in a warehouse, shop or workshop.


What reports can be created by category?

The categories’ menu in Gincore allows you to create various reports. Using filters, you can sort products, orders, prepare reports on sales for a certain period. Also, this option helps to view the number of warehouse balances for spare parts, products. All data and reports are required for accounting, control, and study of analytics.


Features of using categories for building reports


Life hacks and what you did not know about the categories in the program

Working with the category module, you can prepare lists of goods, devices, services in advance on your computer, and then add them through the "More" option. This is convenient in order not to waste time manually adding items.

If the lists of goods or devices have changed, you need to edit the data, upload the categories to the Excel file, where you can enter the data. Next, upload the updated listings to the categories section. Unused items or accidentally loaded, unnecessary categories can be easily deleted. This can only be done for items without goods and those that were not previously used in orders.

The program developers of the program regularly update the category lists as new device models appear on the market. All updates will quickly go to your profile. If you are missing certain positions, you can contact support, which will help you with this task.

Summing up, we can say that the category module is one of the main tools that brings order to the enterprise. Now the lists of goods, services, orders, spare parts and other products will be sorted. You can quickly find any position and process information.


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