Integrations > Label Printer

Integration with Label Printers





Regular Gincore updates introduce new services.
Didn't find what you need? Get in touch with us to inquire about its availability.

Telephony and VoIP Integrations

  • Receive notifications of incoming calls and make outbound calls directly from Gincore.
  • All incoming calls are logged, while missed ones are marked for later follow-up.
  • Call records are stored and can be played back from the customer's profile (if your VoIP provider supports recording and playback via API).


SMS Integration

  • Send order status updates.
  • Send reminders about additional services and offerings.


Integrating with analytical and marketing systems will help you build sales funnels, identify multichannel sequences, and boost sales conversion.


Chatbots enable you to build a customer database, provide free order status updates, and gather statistics for your team.


Integration with barcode scanners and label printers.


Website integrations and widgets: check repair statuses, schedule repair appointments, and view product availability.


Gincore support is available to assist you with consultations and integration setup.

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Облачный доступ

Cloud access

Manage service anywhere in the world 24 hours a day for you and all employees

Поддержка и консультация


Our support team are ready to help you. We know the answers

Разработка под заказ


We are constantly improving Gincore. Track our latest major and minor releases

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