Every owner of a workshop faces the problem of information processing and accounting.
It's not just about the trivial recording of orders, customers and supplies, but also about full accounting records, reports, acts and more. The amount of such information can not be kept in mind. A serious business does not build on the records in a notebook. There is a high probability of losing information, it is easy to falsify data and it is unreal to keep track of the company's personnel. To avoid chaos in the papers and get away from Excel files, you can choose the right program for the jewelry salon. It will help to structure data, keep track of processes going on in the company and do not forget about important events. Which program is suitable for automation of a jewelry workshop you will learn from the article.
What software solutions for jewelry shops are on the market?
In the search of a suitable software solution, entrepreneurs often face software that does not meet the basic requirements of modern business: convenient and intuitive interface, customer support online, integration with analytical tools and equipment for the warehouse and trade. It is important to remember that if the program does not help your business grow, then it is harmful.
The market is oversaturated with a variety of IT solutions that can keep records of orders and customers. But there is only one program that can be completely suitable for keeping records in the jewelry salon. Gincore is the only solution on the market that meets all the requirements of business, has a flexible functionality that is suitable for any owner of a jewelry workshop.
Gincore Features
- Repair and sale orders
- Full accounting
- Warehouse accounting (address storage system)
- Inventory
- Logistics
- Statistics and analytics
- KPI for employees
- The orders timing control system
- Printed Documents
- Employees access rights settings
- Support and feedback for customers
- Google Analytics
- Employees notification
- SMS-sending to clients
- Integration with leading telephony providers.
- Outgoing calls from the program.
Program benefits. Why Gincore?
1. Fast. A simple and quick registration, which takes no more than two minutes, after which you can start automation of the jewelry salon.
2. Easy. Intuitive and modern interface will help you easily work with the program, and personal managers will answer all your questions.
3. Convenient. You need to have a device with internet access to know the status of the order or see how the employees manage
4. Safe. The founder independently adjusts the level of access for each employee of the company. This will keep important data safe.
5. Profitable. For start-ups is available free tariff with unlimited functionality.
User Reviews
Ksenia Pototskaya, “Top Silver”: We use software more than 2 years.
The system is flexible enough, we use it not only to maintain a list of repairs, but also sales.
Very pleased with the active development of the program. For 2 years the system has changed, it has become very convenient. It is commendable that developers quickly answer questions and listen to our remarks. We asked to add integration with Plivo.com. Implemented literally in a week, for which many thanks. Excellent system.
Where to begin?
To start work in the system, just click on the button “Try Gincore now”, fill out a short questionnaire and begin to automate your business.
You can find training videos for working with the program on the official YouTube channel Gincore. Employees can learn the program themselves without spending your time and money. Also you can find help in online support right from the program.