All cash receipts for repair and sales orders are displayed here. A list of payments for the selected period is displayed with detailed information about the orders for which these payments were made.
At the top is a set of filters. Here we can filter only repair orders or only sales orders. Filter the orders received via mail or exclusively warranty orders, as well as warranty orders for a specific brand or counterparty. Filter by department, we can filter repair or sales orders that were created at a specific department. Filters by Manager, Receptionist and Master, using these filters we can filter the orders that contain these employees.
There is also a "More" tab with additional filters:
Select the employee of the period we are interested in and click create report. Having generated the report, we can see the automatic method of payroll charging that is connected to this employee. You can change the method of payroll charging to an employee in the user card in the More - Employees section.
Here you can see the number of devices repaired by the employee during the selected period. How many devices were accepted for repair, how many were issued from repair, the number of sales, the amount earned on repairs, on sales and the total salary accrued for the selected period.
The table itself displays a detailed report. For which orders the payment was charged, for which works, the total cost of works on the order and the amounts, how much was charged to the employee for this repair.
At the very bottom under the table there is an option to upload the report to an Excel file. Also in the access rights settings you can give an employee the ability to see the report for himself in this tab.
Here we see the net profit of the company by months with a detailed breakdown of what items of income and expenses formed the net profit.