Customer Acquisition Channels for Service Centers

Let's start with a question: what is the most important thing in business? Of course, it's customers and the flow of customers. All businesses close for only one reason - either a lack of orders or an insufficient quantity of them.

Quality department and pricing in the service center

The problem of the quality of service in the service center is very urgent. It is especially difficult to control the work of employees if you have a network of service centers and these service centers are located in different parts of the city, or even in different localities.

Splitting goods, disabling statuses, filtering by check-out date. Update

Let's start the year with great news and updates. The main feature of this update is the splitting of goods.

How to choose a program for a service center

A difficult and very important decision is the choice of a program for business maintenance

Workplace of an engineer - a technician for the repair of laptops and phones

In this article we will tell you in more detail what the engineer's workplace consists of, all the necessary equipment, raw materials and tools. It should be noted that the workplace of a cell phone repair engineer and a laptop repair engineer has significant differences, both in the technical base and in consumables and tools.

How to open a service center

Any technique, even the highest quality one, sooner or later breaks down and has to be repaired. Opening your own service center or workshop is a good idea to benefit people and do what you love. But before you start organizing, you need to carefully consider the algorithm of actions. In this article, we will tell you step by step how to properly approach the opening of a service center or a workshop for the repair of equipment.

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