Access to issued orders, label template, system translation. Update

18 june 2020

Gincore update 18.06.20.

Summer is not a reason to relax! Gincore is fully operational and has added something interesting things for you:

1.Feature for perfectionists - capital letters of the full name when creating a customer order. Enter the customer’s name with a small letter and the system itself will correct it in the capital letter.

2. Variable “Amount to Pay” in printed documents. It tightens the amount that the client still has to pay. For example, if there was already been an advance payment on order. And also, we added zero in the payment lines, if there is no payment or prepayment. May aesthetics and beauty be with us 🙏.

3. Access to issued orders was changed. If an employee does not have access to the system warehouse Client, he will see only those orders that were issued at branches available to him.

4.The exact time of the transaction was returned to the Accounting menu, as dolphins returned to Venice. You need to hover over the date of the transaction in order to see it.
Please note that there are two dates. The first is the date of the transaction (when it was actually conducted) and the second is the date that was indicated during the transaction. This is a precaution for complete order in your reports.

5. Automatic selection of the counterparty when depositing and issuing. Save two clicks on the fact that the only counterparty in the list will be selected.

6. A variable has been added to the label templates. It tightens the customer order number from which the request for the purchase of goods was added. The customer’s order number will be indicated directly on the label, which will help process requests faster and transfer spare parts to work.

7. The customer order number is clickable now in the supplier’s order card. This will help the buyer quickly check the nuances of the desired part, such as the quality of the part or color.

8. The ability to repeat tasks every year, month, week or a certain date.

9. In the sale order were added the ability to tie up goods immediately by serial number by analogy with repair orders. You can change the selection parameter by clicking on the arrow next to the input field when creating an order.

10. The founders have the opportunity to independently translate the system into another language. Available: Russian, Ukrainian and English. It is important to note that those sections where you add information by yourselfe will not be translated: category names, customer names, product nomenclature, items of expenses and receipts.


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