How to increase the efficiency of the sales department

9 november 2016

The sales department is an integral part of any service center. It is needed not only for incoming/outgoing calls to customers, but also to increase the number of company sales. A well-established call center contributes to an increase in the profit of the SC. To achieve development, you need to understand well why a company needs an SD, how to organize its work and how to motivate operators so that they bring income to the enterprise.


The main tasks of the sales department

The most obvious task of a call center is to communicate with clients and advise them on basic issues. However, this is not the only line of work for operators.

Other tasks include the following::

  • clarification of details on applications;
  • resolving controversial issues;
  • stimulation of sales and ordering of services;
  • elaboration of fears, explaining the repair process to the smallest detail;
  • checking what customers think about the SC;
  • identification of service weaknesses;
  • identification of service weaknesses.

The client often associates the service center not with the entire team, but only with 1-2 people who served him. It can be an operator from the sales department who explained everything correctly, helped with the selection of spare parts and named an acceptable cost for the work, and the receiving administrator who accepted the order. The quality of the work, the friendly tone, the qualified answers of these specialists will form a general opinion of the client about the SC as a whole. Even the tone, politeness and mood of a call center operator can positively affect the number of orders. This is why it is important to provide training for newcomers and upgrade the skills of already experienced sales operators.


Sales operator training

One of the biggest problems in the sales department is hiring people of various specialties without the ability to sell and communicate with customers. If you take to the service center people without work experience, they must first be taught the basics of sales, negotiation, work in maintenance program and call center program, provide scripts, video instructions. It is important that the new operator is assigned to an experienced employee, can in practice understand the specifics of the work and receive instant support in case of emergency.

So that “autoresponders” with memorized speech do not work in your SD, it is important to periodically conduct trainings and improve the qualifications of operators. In addition to mastering the work program and knowledge about the services of the service center, your subordinates should monitor their speech literacy, mood, be attentive, polite, work on intonation, be able to resolve controversial issues and even in negative circumstances behave with dignity so as not to be rude to the client.

The service center should have instructions for each department/position that new employees should be familiar with. To improve the efficiency of all operators, elements of competition can be introduced, for example, the impact of the quality of work and the number of orders on the salary. You can also keep a rating of the success of employees. Not the last place is occupied by career advancement for high work results. If the company does not have career growth, then it will be difficult to expect growth from employees.

The success of each SD operator should affect the number of orders and the overall profit of the company. It is teaching, advanced training, mutual assistance and healthy competition that will ensure the growth of the service center's income by an average of 30-100%.


Gincore functionality for the sales department

Gincore is the ideal cloud-based service center software that also has many tools for the sales force. The software integrates with IP telephony, so you can call customers through a computer without interrupting the search for spare parts and a person's request. Key features of Gincore for SD:

  • fixing all customer calls in the program;
  • if in a conversation the client was interested in repairing a specific device model, then an application for this device is automatically created;
  • saving data of the client and his orders in the system;
  • if the client handed over the device to the SC, the information on the repair of which he received from the operator, then the system links his order with the application issued by the manager of the SD;
  • for unclosed requests, you can call back and find out why the client did not come to the SC, help him solve the problem;
  • sending SMS messages with important information (about ordering, discounts)./li>

The main indicator of the sales department's work is conversion, both as a general indicator of all orders, and separately for each manager. In Gincore, you can link the operator's salary to the conversion rate. In the reports of the program, each employee can see their results and the success of their colleagues.

Many service center owners have already seen in practice that the introduction of a sales department leads to an increase in orders and profits without increasing the advertising budget. It is important to properly organize the work of the call center and use the program for the SC Gincore.


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