Addressable storage system in the service center

25 november 2016

If you have a store, warehouse, service center or repair shop, you need to organize the storage of goods and spare parts. Nowadays, no one keeps records manually, and many enterprises use programs for inventory control. To understand how this system works, you can read the answers to common questions.


What is Addressable storage system?

An addressable storage system (ASS) is a way of organizing the storage of an enterprise's products in a designated room, which is divided into places with a specific address or number. Now two types of ASS are used. The first type is static, when the address is assigned to one product or group of products. The second is dynamic, which implies the placement of goods at any free space in the warehouse.

Ideally, all products in a warehouse have their own place and serial number. These initial data are entered into the program, which allows you to quickly find any name. The ordered system allows:

  • control the warehouse;
  • find the products you need;
  • conduct an inventory;
  • manage enterprise processes;
  • organize the work of the warehouse;
  • correctly receive and send products.


Why is the introduction of ASS in business useful?

The addressable storage system can be introduced into the business of various spheres. This tool is suitable for all businesses selling goods and repairing machinery and equipment. After the implementation of the ASS, you can benefit from:

  • in a confined space, the warehouse space is used more efficiently and more products are placed on the shelves;
  • reduced order processing time;
  • all actions of employees are simplified, since they know where to look for the desired items of goods;
  • the absence of errors is minimized;
  • the system analyzes the turnover;
  • you can check the availability of products, both throughout the warehouse, and at a separate location;
  • the control of warehouse balances is improved.


How to implement ASS in your company?

If you decide to implement an addressable storage system, then you need to go through several stages:

  1. Divide the warehouse territory into 3 zones: the place where the goods will be received, stored and dispatched.
  2. The storage location of products can be divided into places for different groups by size, properties and other criteria.
  3. All sections of the storage area must be numbered and each place must be assigned an address, and the data must be recorded in the program.
  4. Purchase printers for printing barcodes and scanners for reading them.
  5. Mark all places in the warehouse.
  6. Connect the Gincore program to keep records of the warehouse.

To organize an ASS, you need a sensible program. All questions about the organization of the warehouse and the correct storage of products can be solved with the help of Gincore. To use the software correctly, you can familiarize yourself with the questions about the program.


How does Gincore help control warehouse balances?

Gincore has a Warehouses module. When goods or spare parts come from a supplier, their data is entered into the program. Each product is assigned a serial number. With the help of a thermal printer, a barcode is printed and glued to the package. Then the product is sent to the storage location, the address of which is recorded in the program.

To move an item, place an order for a customer, write off a product, send it to a store, you can open its card and find the location of the item. In the future, a scanner will be used to read barcodes. In addition to the basic data, in the product card, you can view the history of its movement and track all stages - from receiving products to selling them. Also, with the help of ASS, you can repair various devices, find suitable spare parts in the warehouse, send finished orders to customers.

The Gincore addressable storage system will help to put things in order in the warehouse. With the help of the program, you can receive and deliver goods, save them and conduct an inventory. After checking, you will be able to receive a report on shortages and surpluses in the warehouse. All this will allow you to control the work of the warehouse and optimize the work of the entire enterprise.


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