Tardy Log in Gincore

26 april 2016

Having your own business, you will give all your energy to achieve success. However, not all company owners can say the same about their employees. The selection of personnel will always be the most difficult issue, because it is important to find not only qualified specialists, but also to motivate them for productive work.

To control the work of subordinates, you do not have to be in the office all the time, hold regular meetings and set the strictest rules. In the age of progressive technology, there are many other convenient tools for controlling workers. You can use a professional maintenance program for a service center, online store, workshop, rental service or other enterprise.

One of the best software in this area is the Gincore browser program. It has the possibility of monitoring employees:

  • tardy log;
  • order maintenance;
  • work time and other options.

By monitoring these functions and checking the work of subordinates, you will be aware of the situation in your team, you will be able to detect violators, problems, and then take measures to improve discipline and work in general.


How to control the start time of the employees working day

In the section "Employees" there is a module "Tardy Log". This is a handy option for tracking the start of work of subordinates. The manager creates accounts for all employees, sets the roles and access level. As soon as an employee logs into his profile for the first time in a day, the time and IP address of the device from which he was logged in is indicated in the tardy log.

In the Gincor program, the system logs out all employees every night. In the morning, all employees re-enter their login details. Thanks to this, the time of new entrances is recorded per day. The tardy log displays a list of all employees. By clicking on the name and surname of the specialist, the dates, exact time and IP of the computer are opened. All data is in one place.

At the bottom of the list of employees, you can check the box next to the line “Send daily report to the mail”. In this case, the manager will receive reports on the start time of each employee of his company to the specified email address every day. If some dates in the list are highlighted in red, then you need to carefully check the information.


How to identify violations of the work day start time

Reports from the Gincore program tardy log are sent to the manager's mail every day. The calendar may contain dates marked in red. They indicate that on that day the employee entered the program not from a work computer, but from another device. This could happen if an employee decided to cheat the system, entered the program at home before work from his laptop or tablet to indicate the start of the working day and presence on the spot.

In such a situation, you need to find out exactly when the specialist appeared at the workplace. Typically, offices have cameras installed, so the manager can view the videos and find out if this employee was really at the workplace or if he cheated by indicating the start of the working day from another device. As soon as the fact of deception is established, the manager can apply penalties to the violators. If employees know that any deception will be exposed, they will work diligently and responsibly.


Effectiveness of the tardy log

The tardy log performs the following functions:

  • control of the work day beginning of all employees;
  • record their tardiness;
  • detection of violations;
  • improving discipline.

There are many opportunities for improvement and control in the Gincore program. Of particular importance are the options for checking subordinates. The functionality of the tardy log does not require additional investment and time. Having received information, the head will be able to put things in order with discipline in his team.



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