Kalendarz opóźnień w Gincore

Mając własny biznes, wkładasz całą swoją energię, aby osiągnąć sukces. Jednak nie wszyscy właściciele firm mogą powiedzieć to samo o swoich pracownikach. Rekrutacja personelu to i będzie zawsze jedno z najtrudniejszych zadań, ponieważ ważne jest nie tylko znalezienie wykwalifikowanych specjalistów, ale także motywowanie ich do efektywnej pracy.

Staff Performance Assessment Widget

In service centers, stores, workshops and service companies, work is built on the interaction of your subordinates with customers. The opinion of people about your company and whether the client will recommend your service to his acquaintances depends on the quality of the service provided by the employees.

Charts: key business indicators of the company on the home page

For a successful business, it is important to establish not only work processes, but also to set up analytics of all business indicators of the company. With their help, you can adjust the development strategy, draw up reports, analyze orders and sales of the company and assess the success of your team.

Orders fulfillment timing control system "Order Manager"

In a service center, repair shop, store, warehouse, it is necessary to keep records of orders. These can be sales orders (offline and online stores) and applications for the repair of devices/equipment. To control the work of managers, you can use one of the maintenance programs.

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